
propagation: The production of new plants. Helpful content: Successful propagation involves understanding plant biology and environmental conditions. Farmers can enhance plant growth and survival rates by optimizing propagation methods and providing proper care.

I Symbol

I symbol: Iodine – a chemical element essential to the body, especially to the functioning of the thyroid gland, and is found in seaweed. Knowledge of iodine is important for farmers to ensure the health of livestock and prevent deficiencies.


binder: A machine used to cut and bind corn, now largely replaced by the combine harvester. Understanding the evolution of harvesting equipment helps farmers choose the best tools for their needs.


grassland: Grassland is land covered mainly by grasses. Managing grasslands sustainably supports livestock production and preserves biodiversity, benefiting both the environment and the farm.

Acceptable Daily Intake

acceptable daily intake: The quantity of a substance such as a nutrient, vitamin, additive or pollutant which a person or animal can safely consume daily over their lifetime. Understanding acceptable daily intake levels helps farmers ensure the safety of their produce for consumers.


diploid: Referring to an organism that has two matched sets of chromosomes in a cell nucleus, one set from each parent. NOTE: Each species has a characteristic diploid number of chromosomes. Understanding diploid organisms is important for managing breeding and genetic improvement programs. Farmers should work with geneticists and breeders to develop effective breeding strategies that enhance the productivity and resilience of their livestock and crops. Knowledge of genetics will aid in optimizing breeding programs and improving farm performance.


Cation: An ion with a positive electric charge. Understanding cation exchange capacity helps farmers manage soil fertility and optimize crop growth.