bident: A two-year-old sheep. Understanding age-related terms helps farmers manage sheep breeding and care schedules.
Texas Land & Cattle Rentals
bident: A two-year-old sheep. Understanding age-related terms helps farmers manage sheep breeding and care schedules.
Belgian Blue: A dual-purpose breed of cattle resulting from crossing Friesians and Shorthorns. Raising Belgian Blues provides both meat and milk, enhancing farm productivity.
bean stem rot: A fungus disease of beans. Early detection and treatment of bean stem rot prevent crop losses and maintain healthy yields.
beam: The main frame of a plough to which parts that cut into the soil are attached. Maintaining the beam ensures efficient and effective soil tillage.
butternut: A type of squash with a sweet, nutty flavor. Growing butternut squash provides nutritious food and valuable crops for fresh markets and processing.
blood: A fluid that circulates through the body of animals, carrying oxygen and nutrients. Ensuring the health of livestock blood systems is crucial for overall animal health and productivity.
barn: A large farm building used for storing grain, hay, or straw and housing livestock. Proper barn management ensures the protection and health of animals and stored products.
beaters: Steel bars on the drum of a combine harvester or people who rouse game in hunting. Proper use of beaters improves harvest efficiency and game management.
blister pack: A packaging method for small items like seeds or tablets. Using blister packs ensures product protection and easy handling.
beehive: A structure for housing a colony of bees. Proper beehive management supports healthy bee populations and efficient honey production.