
brindle: A coat coloring pattern in animals, characterized by streaks of color. Understanding breed characteristics, such as brindle coats, helps in managing and marketing livestock.


blowfly: A fly that lays eggs on decaying organic matter, which hatch into maggots. Controlling blowfly populations prevents infestations and protects livestock health.


bay: A stall in a stable or a horse of reddish-brown color. Proper stall management ensures the health and comfort of horses.

Basic Price

basic price: A support price fixed each year by the EU for certain fruit and vegetables. Farmers benefit from knowing basic prices to plan production and marketing strategies.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

bovine spongiform encephalopathy: A neurological disease of cattle, also known as mad cow disease. Ensuring strict biosecurity measures prevents the spread of BSE and protects public health.

Body Condition Score (Bcs)

body condition score (BCS): A visual assessment of an animal’s fat and muscle, rated on a scale. Monitoring BCS helps farmers ensure their livestock are healthy and receiving proper nutrition.


bumblebee: A large, fuzzy bee. Encouraging bumblebee populations supports pollination and enhances crop yields.

Bird Of Prey

bird of prey: A bird that hunts other animals for food. Encouraging birds of prey on farms helps control rodent and pest populations naturally.

Booster Pump

booster pump: A pump used to increase water pressure in irrigation systems. Installing booster pumps improves irrigation efficiency and crop water management.

Beef Cattle

beef cattle: Cattle raised specifically for meat production. Knowledge about beef cattle helps farmers optimize breeding, feeding, and management practices to produce high-quality meat.