
Cheshire: A crumbly hard white British cheese. Producing Cheshire cheese adds value to dairy operations and offers unique products for niche markets.

Code Of Good Agricultural Practice

Code of Good Agricultural Practice: Code of Good Agricultural Practice noun a set of standards and guidelines for agricultural practices, which must be set up by law in each country in the EU. Abbr COGAP. Adhering to COGAP helps farmers maintain sustainable and ethical farming practices.


Cultural: Cultural adjective referring to agricultural techniques. Engaging in cultural practices supports sustainable agriculture and crop production.


Clay: A type of heavy non-porous soil made of fine silicate particles. Managing clay soils involves using appropriate amendments to improve fertility and support healthy crop growth.


Cyanocobalamin: Cyanocobalamin /sa??n??k??bæl? m?n/ noun vitamin B12. Understanding cyanocobalamin aids in managing livestock nutrition and health.


Copse: Copse /k?ps/ noun an area of small trees. Managing copses provides sustainable wood production and enhances forest management.

Cow Bell

Cow Bell: Cow bell noun a bell worn round neck of a cow to make it easier for the farmer to locate the animal. Utilizing cow bells aids in livestock management and tracking.


Cross-Pollination: Cross-pollination noun the pollination of a flower with pollen from another plant of the same species. Compare self-pollination (NOTE: The pollen goes from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another.) COMMENT: Cross-pollination, like cross-fertilization and cross-breeding, avoids inbreeding, which may weaken the species. Some plants are self-fertile (i.e. they are able to fertilize themselves) and do not need pollinators, but most benefit from cross-fertilization and cross-pollination. Engaging in cross-pollination practices supports genetic diversity and crop improvement.


Capacity: The amount a container can hold. Knowing the capacity of storage and transport containers helps farmers manage inventory and logistics efficiently.

Campaign To Protect Rural England (Cpre)

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE): An organization that advocates for rural preservation and sustainable development. Engaging with organizations like CPRE helps farmers stay informed about and involved in rural conservation efforts.