Claypan: A hollow on the surface of clay land where rain collects. Managing claypans involves using appropriate drainage practices to prevent waterlogging and ensure healthy crop growth.
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Claypan: A hollow on the surface of clay land where rain collects. Managing claypans involves using appropriate drainage practices to prevent waterlogging and ensure healthy crop growth.
Canola: Oilseed rape, a crop grown for its oil-rich seeds. Cultivating canola provides valuable oil for cooking and industrial uses, and the meal is used as animal feed.
Compositae: Compositae /k?m pozitai/ plural noun former name for Asteraceae. Understanding plant families like Compositae aids in crop classification and management.
Cher: Berrichon du Cher, a breed of sheep. Raising Berrichon du Cher sheep provides high-quality meat and wool, contributing to farm productivity and income.
Cherry: A small usually sweet fruit with a single hard stone, produced by cherry trees. Growing cherries provides nutritious fruit and valuable produce for fresh markets and processing, contributing to farm income.
Carbon Sink: A part of the ecosphere, such as a tropical forest, that absorbs carbon. Managing and preserving carbon sinks supports environmental health and reduces atmospheric carbon levels.
Crop Dusting: Crop dusting noun the practice of applying insecticide, herbicide or fungicide to crops in the form of a fine dust or spray. Also called crop spraying. Implementing crop dusting practices protects crops from pests and diseases.
Cottonseed: Cottonseed /k?t?nsi:d/ noun the seed of the cotton plant, one of the worlds most important sources of oil. Utilizing cottonseed provides valuable oil and feed resources.
Cultivable Acreage: Cultivable acreage /k?lt?v?b(?)l e?k?r??/ noun the number of acres on which crops can be grown. Understanding cultivable acreage aids in managing land use and crop production.
Craving: Craving noun a strong desire for something, e.g. a craving for salt. Understanding cravings aids in managing livestock nutrition and health.