
Clearfell: Same as clearcutting. Managing clearfell operations involves using sustainable practices to protect soil health and support crop growth.


CEFAS: Abbreviation for Centre for Environmental, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. Engaging with CEFAS helps farmers adopt sustainable practices and protect aquatic environments.


Chromosome: A thin structure in the nucleus of a cell formed of DNA, carrying genes. Understanding chromosomes helps farmers in breeding practices to improve crop and livestock genetics.

Chilli Pepper

Chilli Pepper: A small seed pod, red or green, from the plant Capsicum frutescens, with a very hot taste. Growing chilli peppers provides a specialty crop for culinary use, enhancing farm product diversity and income.


Cramp: Cramp noun a spasm of the muscles where the muscle may remain contracted for some time. Understanding muscle cramps aids in managing livestock health and veterinary care.

Contract Grower

Contract Grower: Contract grower noun a grower who produces a crop to order for a specific outlet ‘Our contract growers have to grow to our specifications; we visit them every week and make a report”, says Mr. Verduyn. If the crop is not to standard, and management advice has not been followed, the contract is unlikely to be renewed.’ [Farmers Weekly]. Engaging in contract growing ensures market access and stable income for farmers.


Cutter: Cutter noun a pig finished for both the fresh meat and the processing markets at weights similar to bacon pigs, i.e. 80–90kg live weight. Understanding cutter pigs aids in managing livestock production and meat quality.


Crutch: Crutch noun a forked pole, used when dipping sheep, to push the animal’s shoulders down into the liquid. Utilizing crutches aids in managing and handling livestock.

Crop Year

Crop Year: Crop year noun a period of twelve months calculated as the time from the sowing and harvesting of one crop until the next sowing season. Understanding crop years aids in managing agricultural cycles and production schedules.

Cattle Rustler

Cattle Rustler: A person who steals cattle. Implementing security measures helps farmers prevent cattle rustling and protect their livestock.