
Capillarity: Same as capillary action, the movement of a liquid upwards inside a narrow tube or through the soil. Understanding capillarity helps farmers manage soil moisture levels and optimize irrigation practices.

Crucifer Crop

Crucifer Crop: Crucifer crop noun crops such as broccoli, cabbage, turnips, and spinach belonging to the Cruciferaceae family. Cultivating crucifer crops provides nutritious vegetables for markets.


Clumping: The gathering together of a large number of things in a mass. Understanding clumping behavior in plants or animals helps farmers manage crops and livestock effectively.


Community: Community noun a group of different organisms which live together in an area the plant community on the sand dunes. Understanding community dynamics helps manage ecosystems and biodiversity.

Clean Crop

Clean Crop: A measure of the amount of cereal not mixed with seeds of other plants. Managing clean crops involves using appropriate weed control measures to ensure high-quality produce.

Carbon Monoxide (Co)

Carbon Monoxide (CO): A colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas found in car fumes, burning gas, and cigarette smoke. Ensuring proper ventilation and monitoring carbon monoxide levels protects livestock and farmworkers from poisoning.


Clamp: A method of storing root crops in the open by heaping and covering with straw and earth or silage storage in a trench. Using clamps helps farmers manage crop storage and ensure feed availability for livestock.

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development: Continuing professional development noun the continuation of training and study throughout a person’s career. Abbr CPD. ‘Experience of dairying in New Zealand and the USA indicates that both these dairying cultures place emphasis on communication, as well as the continuing professional development of their staff.’ [Farmers Weekly]. Engaging in continuing professional development ensures up-to-date knowledge and skills for agricultural professionals.


Carpel: A female part of a flower, formed of an ovary, style, and stigma. Understanding flower anatomy, including carpels, aids in plant breeding and crop production.

Certificate Of Bad Husbandry

Certificate of Bad Husbandry: A certificate issued to a tenant farmer by an Agricultural Land Tribunal if the tenant is inefficient and unable to farm to a satisfactory standard. Understanding agricultural regulations helps farmers maintain best practices and avoid penalties.