Cow Kennels

Cow Kennels: Cow kennels plural noun a wooden building with stalls for cows. Utilizing cow kennels provides proper housing and management for livestock.


Course: Course noun 1. the development of events over a period of time the usual course of the disease in the normal course of events usually 2. a sequence of medical treatment given over a period of time a course of antibiotics 3. the length of time in a rotation, when the land is growing a particular crop The Norfolk four-course rotation has turnips, followed by spring barley, red clover, and winter wheat, so that each crop will only be grown on the same land in one year out of four. Implementing crop rotation practices supports soil health and sustainable agriculture.


Cube: Cube noun a small square block or pellet verb to press animal feed into small square pellets. Utilizing cubes enhances feed quality and management for livestock.


Centigrade: Same as Celsius. Understanding temperature scales helps farmers monitor and manage environmental conditions for optimal crop and livestock health.


Coir: Coir /k?i?/ noun a rough fibre from the outer husk of coconuts. Using coir as a soil amendment improves soil structure and water retention.


Cote: Cote /k??t/ noun dove cote. Using cotes ensures proper housing and management of doves and pigeons.

Convenience Foods

Convenience Foods: Convenience foods plural noun foods which have been prepared so that they are ready to be served after simply being reheated ‘People are working longer hours. As a result demand for convenience foods has exploded, not just for pre-packed ready meals, but quickly cooked food like chops and steaks.’ [Farmers Guardian]. Producing convenience foods meets market demands and provides quick meal solutions.


Cornflower: Cornflower /k?nfla??/ noun a common weed (Centaurea cyanus) with tall stems and bright blue flowers. Managing cornflower involves using weed control measures to protect crops.


Clone: A group of cells or organisms derived from a single cell by asexual reproduction, identical to the first cell or individual. Understanding cloning techniques helps farmers manage plant and animal breeding for optimal productivity.


culling: The process of removing less productive or unhealthy animals from a herd. Culling helps improve overall herd health and productivity.