tetracycline: An antibiotic used against various bacterial diseases. Proper use of tetracycline can help manage and treat bacterial infections in livestock, ensuring animal health and productivity.
Texas Land & Cattle Rentals
tetracycline: An antibiotic used against various bacterial diseases. Proper use of tetracycline can help manage and treat bacterial infections in livestock, ensuring animal health and productivity.
target price: The wholesale price within the EU that market management is intended to achieve for certain products such as wheat. Understanding target prices helps farmers make informed marketing and pricing decisions.
tractor: A heavy vehicle with large wheels used for a range of tasks. On farms, it is mainly used for pulling cultivation and spraying equipment. Understanding tractor functions and maintenance can enhance farm operations and productivity.
tree preservation order: An order from a local government department that prevents a tree from being cut down. Abbr TPO. Complying with tree preservation orders supports environmental conservation and sustainable land use.
trailed implements: Implements such as harrows which are pulled behind a tractor. Understanding the use of trailed implements can enhance field operations and improve soil management.
tailbiting: A form of behavior, especially associated with pigs, where an animal bites the tail of another animal. Addressing tailbiting is important for animal welfare and preventing injuries that can lead to infections.
triazine: One of a group of soil-acting herbicides, e.g., Atrazine and Simazine. Maize is tolerant to these substances. Triazines will no longer be approved for use in the UK after December 2007. Understanding herbicide regulations can help farmers choose safe and effective weed control methods.
taproot: The thick main root of a plant which grows straight down into the soil. Understanding taproot systems helps farmers in selecting crops suitable for various soil conditions and improving soil health.
tenant: A person who pays rent for the use of a farm and land owned by a landlord. Tenant farming arrangements can provide access to land and resources for new or expanding farmers.
threadworm: A thin parasitic worm which infests the large intestine. Genus: Enterobius. Proper management of threadworm infections is essential for livestock health and productivity.